So much happens every day. This happened one day. I set an ingenius trap to catch a mouse. You set one bowl with its lip resting on a round cracker or peanut. You set a second larger bowl with its lip rest on the round edge of the first bowl, just so. When the mouse takes the peanut it releases the larger bowl and catches the mouse. Then you take the trapped mouse to the forest and bid it adieu. A better mouse trap has not been invented. Or so I thought. Well, on this particular morning,I noticed the trap had been sprung. So I looked down and saw that the larger bowl had snapped the poor mouse's neck. His little eyes seemed to be looking up at me in disbelief, even though it was surely dead. My breakfast didn't taste right after that. But it got worse. Because on the way to school I was listening to a lecture on Coleridge to prep for teaching a class on The Rime of The Ancient Mariner. And Richard Holmes, the great Coleridge biographer, read from a letter by Coleridge wh...